Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On May 11, 2023 at 5:37 AM
show his feelings toward me?
and received a response of:
48 Well
The Statement of the first hexagram
Well. A city may change,
but the well does not.
It does not lose, it does not gain.
In spite of all who come and go from a well,
it remains a well.
But if the rope cannot reach,
or if the well's vase is upended:_
The changing lines
The second line:
The well bottom gushes carp.
A broken jug leaks.
The third line:
The well is dredged, but no one drinks.
My heart is anguished. Water
could be drawn. If the king understood,
we would instantly receive happiness.
8 Joining
The Statement of the second hexagram
Joining brings fortune.
Repeating the divination by yarrow stalks
brings a supreme and lasting omen
without fault.
Those who are not sure
will join the plan.
Those who are late
will meet misfortune.
The Image of the first hexagram
Wood above water: well.
The noble one encourages
the people and lends them
The Image of the second hexagram
Water pooled
on the earth: joining.
The early kings founded
the myriad nations,
and kept close ties
with all the leaders.